Wolf Edmayr Managing Director BKB on the Wool Academy Podcast

#077: Wolf Edmayr about the current situation of the South African wool industry

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Wolf Edmayr is the Managing Director of South African based company BKB. BKB is the largest wool handler of the South African wool clip and service provider to South African wool and mohair growers. In this episode, Wolf Edmayr talks about the history and future of the BKB business and shares his perspectives on the potential of the South African wool clip as well as the agricultural industry.

About Wolf Edmayr

Wolf Edmayr was born on 22 July 1956 in Delareyville. He matriculated at Grey College in Bloemfontein after which he obtained a B.Com Hon. degree at the Rand Afrikaans University. Afterward, he qualified as Chartered Accountant. He worked for the firm Deloitte & Touche in Johannesburg and later became an audit partner.

Before joining BKB Ltd he also held the following positions:

1992 – Managing Director of Wooltextile Manufacturers (Pty) Ltd
1996 – Managing Director of Sweet-Orr and Lybro (Pty) Ltd
2001 – Managing Director of the HT Group (Pty) Ltd

Wolf joined BKB Ltd in 2004 as Managing Director. He is a shareholder of BKB Ltd and part-time Free State farmer and is married to Birgit. They have three children.

Connect with Wolf Edmayr here

BKB website

BKB on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

Listen to another episode about BKB: #053: Isak Staats about how to efficiently handle 32 million kg of wool per year


Similar podcast episodes you may enjoy

#053: Isak Staats about how to efficiently handle 32 million kg of wool per year

#059: Cobus Oosthuizen put wool to test during a 250 km desert race

#060: Geoff Kingwill About Wool Growing in the Semi-desert

#061: Louis de Beer about the South African wool industry and communal farming

#069: David Mitchell about getting Australian wool from farm to harbour

Stephen Wiedemann Guest on Wool Academy Podcast

#076 Stephen Wiedemann about Wool Life Cycle Assessment

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Stephen Wiedemann is a leading expert on Life Cycle Assessments (LCA) for livestock systems. In this podcast interview, he shares the latest research results on the LCA for wool. He gives details on research conducted on different areas of the wool supply chain including the manufacturing stage and consumer use stage. Stephen also talks about the importance of the wool industry engaging with retailers and brands to explain why the Life Cycle of wool is different and how brands need to take this into account when calculating their product footprints.

About Stephen Wiedemann

Steve is an agricultural systems scientist and principal at Integrity Ag Services. Steve’s professional experience is focussed on livestock production and supply chains, resource management, sustainability and environmental regulation. With over 30 peer-reviewed publications and 17 focussed on life cycle assessment, Steve is a science leader in the fields of greenhouse gas, water assessment, energy, nutrient and land management in livestock systems. Steve is an advisor to the Australian Government Greenhouse Gas Inventory and Emission Reduction Fund teams. Steve is also a technical advisory member of the Livestock Environmental Assessment and Performance (LEAP) partnership, a global initiative coordinated by the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation.
Steve has been working on sheep and wool related life cycle assessment projects over the past 10 years and has six major LCA publications in this area.
Steve comes from a family farming background with sheep and wool, cattle and cropping in northern NSW, where he now owns manages a small farming operation.

Connect with Stephen Wiedemann here

Website of IntegrityAg

IWTO LCA Technical Advisory Group

IWTO LCA Guidelines

IWTO Fact Sheets

SIFO Wool use review

SIFO microplastics


Similar podcast episodes you may like

#015 Beverley Henry from the Queensland University of Technolgy about LCA

#019 Kjersti Kviseth from 2025 Design from Norway about the circular economy

#030 Ingun Klepp from the Consumption Research Norway about wool sustainability

#036 Dave Maslen from New Zealand Merino about research on sustainability

#041 Graham Ormondroyd from the BioComposites Centre at Bangor University in the UK about bio-composites

#051 Steve Ranford from AgResearch in New Zealand about wool as a biocomposite 

#054 Stephen Russell  from Leeds University in the UK about wool textile recycling



Ingun Klepp Wool Academy Podcast

#075 Ingun Klepp on how consumer research reveals new business opportunities for wool

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Ingun Klepp is a research professor at Consumer Research Norway, an institute at the Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences. Ingun is specialised in consumer research on sustainable textile, clothing, laundry and leisure consumption.

In this episode, Ingun talks about the different findings she uncovered when studying wool in relation to consumer behaviour. In particular, Ingun studied the use of wool in beds. Ingun started with the intention to understand why we use cotton as linen instead of wool. At the end of her study, she discovered how consumers use wool in their beds in many unconventional ways.

Another research project Ingun shares during the interview is a study on the smell of sports clothing which made wool outperform synthetics.

Ingun is also a thought leader on environmental issues related to textiles. In particular, she criticises the focus on waste and recycling. Instead, she encourages us to think about creating better, longer lasting apparel that is of value to the consumer.

All of Ingun’s research findings help us develop new business ideas for wool products that are of value to the consumer and the planet.

About Ingun Klepp

Ingun Klepp works with research on sustainable textile, clothing, laundry and leisure consumption and has written numerous articles and books on these themes. The relationship between textiles, social and physical characteristics and how these are woven together is at the core of her interest and she loves popular dissemination and new methods.

Connect with Ingun Klepp here

Consumer Research Norway website

Ingun’s wool research papers

Similar episodes you may like

#019: Kjersti Kviseth about the circular economy

#041: Graham Ormondroyd about how wool cleans the air of VOC

#049: Beverley Henry on Wool Life Cycle Assessment

#051: Steve Ranford on wool as a biopolymer

#054: Stephen Russell on wool textile recycling

Peter Ackroyd Wool Academy

#074 Peter Ackroyd on how buying wool products is an investment with a return on capital

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Peter Ackroyd is the COO of the Campaign for Wool and the President of the International Wool Textile Organisation (IWTO). Peter shares insights about the start of the Campaign for Wool together with HRH The Prince of Wales and the latest campaign’s event. He also talks about provenance and wool’s environmental credentials providing value to retailers, brands and the consumer.

About Peter Ackroyd

Peter Ackroyd is the Global Strategic Advisor for The Woolmark Company in Sydney, Australia and the Chief Operating Officer of the Campaign for Wool. In May 2011 he was elected President of the International Wool Textile Organisation and re-elected in April 2016. Specialising in world markets for woollen and worsted yarns and fabrics, Peter has particular expertise in marketing in Europe, the Middle East, Japan, Korea and China, along with in-depth knowledge of the menswear supply chain ‘from farm to fashion’. He also serves as Vice President of the Strategy Board of Première Vision Paris.

Connect with Peter Ackroyd here

Campaign for Wool

International Wool Textile Organisation (IWTO)

The Woolmark Company

Explore and get inspired by the Wool Lab

Similar episodes you may like

#020: Dalena White from IWTO

#028: Pedro Otegui from Lanas Trinidad

#029: Robert Ryan from Schute Bell Badgery Lumby

#036: Dave Maslen from NZ Merino

#044: Rita Kourlis Samuelson from the American Sheep Industry Association

Tove Grane We Norwegians Wool Academy Podcast

#073 Tove Grane about her label We Norwegians

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Tove Grane is the founder and designer of the Norwegian wool label called We Norwegians. In this episode, Tove shares her story of how she started We Norwegians. Tove explains how wool has always been an important part of Norwegian heritage and how this is reflected in her collection.


About Tove Grane

Tove Grane was born and raised in the fjords and mountains of western Norway (Sogn og fjordane). Tove got her design education at ESMOD Oslo, and has been working in Oslo since the late 90’s for various brands. She moved to Voss in 2010 to work with a ski brand, where she got into merino wool, and decided to make her own brand after the ski brand Tove worked for was closed down in 2013.
Tove is married with a textile man, and he works together with Tove at We Norwegians. Tove has a daughter, who will be 14 this Summer, and a stepdaughter who is 19 and a stepson who is 24.

Connect with Tove Grane here

We Norwegians website

We Norwegians Facebook

We Norwegians on Instagram


Similar podcast episodes

#001: Ulrike Beier from IKKI in China

#005: Mac Bishop from Wool & Prince from the USA

#012: Galina Witting from Baabuk in Switzerland

#021: Philip Attard from Henry & Grace in Australia

#026: Debbie Luffman from Finisterre in the UK

#038: Francesco Botto Poala from Rewoolution in Italy

#039: David Michell from IO Merino in Australia

#040: Lorna Haigh from Alternative Flooring in the UK

#046: Janne Strommen from Devold of Norway in Norway

#047: Nick Armentrout from Ramblers Way in the USA

#050: Claudia Weiss from Don Baez Eco Chic in Uruguay

#052: Gaspard Tiné-Berès from Lasso Shoes in France

#057: Andrew Cuccurullo from Waverley Mills in Australia

#066: Morten Dilling from Dilling Underwear in Denmark

#068: Chad Nort from NorthxNorth






Matthias Boehme is a guest on the Wool Academy Podcast

#072 Matthias Boehme about key markets for wool

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Matthias Boehme is a textile consultant and expert on a wide range of topics relevant to the wool industry. In in this episode, Matthias gives an outlook on the key markets for wool applications. These include the sports, outdoor and interior markets.

Matthias also talks about the increased interest in traceability and sustainability schemes and shares what manufacturers and retailers need to consider.

With his wide expertise, Matthias covers a broad range of topics relevant to the wool industry.


About Matthias Boehme

Matthias Boehme is an Innovation, Sustainability, R&D and Sales Consultant. He has a vast background in wool and wool products as well as other animal hair fibres. Matthias has helped retail brands implement their sustainability strategy as well as getting certified for various sustainability schemes such as GOTS.

Connect with Matthias Boehme here

Matthias Boehme’s LinkedIn profile

Partnership for Sustainable Textiles


Similar podcast episodes

#09 Rob Langtry about Communications Strategy for wool

#010 Rob Langtry about Social Media strategy for wool

#011 Roy Kettlewell about the finishing of wool

#013 Malcolm Campbell about education in the wool industry

#016 Chris Wilcox about the wool market

#024 Ari Kuchar about videography of wool and sheep


Podcast guests mentioned on the episode

#049 Beverley Henry about Wool Cycle Assessment

#019 Kjersti Kviseth about the circular economy of wool


Chris Kerston Savory Institute Wool Academy Podcast

#071 Chris Kerston about building the world’s first regenerative wool supply chain

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Chris Kerston is the Market Engagement and Public Outreach at the Savory Institute. In this episode, Chris introduces us to Allan Savory and the work of the Savory Institute. Chris explains how desertification happens and what role sheep and wool play to reverse desertification. You also get to learn details about the Land to Market certification scheme Chris and his team are working on to build a regenerative supply chain.

About Christ Kerston

Chris Kerston has dedicated his life to helping connect innovative ranchers and farmers with progressive brands in ways that create true synergistic value for both sides. Chris managed ranches and farms full time for nearly 15 years before joining the Savory Institute. In that time, he developed thriving and profitable markets for a number of different niche products. He has a longstanding passion for regenerative agricultural and a strong desire to contribute to better systems that meet the consumer’s wants and needs. Chris also utilizes innovative media production in concert with traditional marketing techniques to help ranchers share their stories and build long-lasting relationships with partners based upon common goals.

Connect with Christ Kerston here

Allan Savory Institute website

Land to Market information

Ted Talk of Allan Savory

Storytelling of Land to Market

Chris Kerston’s profile 

The Savory Institute on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Twitter


Similar podcast episodes you might enjoy

#018: Geoff Kingwill explains how he uses holistic management on his farm in South Africa

#021: Philip Attard about holistic management on his farm in Australia

#025: Jen Hunter about educating consumers on her farm in the UK

#058: Chantel McAlister is telling the wool story through her photography


Mark Grave AWEX Guest at the Wool Academy Podcast

#070 Mark Grave about the services of the Australian Wool Exchange

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Mark Grave is the CEO of the Australian Wool Exchange (AWEX), a key service provider to the Australian and International wool industry. Mark explains how AWEX supports the wool trade through educating wool classers, defining the wool auction rules and developing helpful tools such as the National Wool Declration and electronic RFID bales. In this interview, it becomes apparent how many things are taken for granted, such as standardised wool packs, but without them trading wool would be pure chaos. Thanks to Mark Grave we get a better understanding of the importance of the work done for wool by AWEX.

About Mark Grave

Mark Grave is CEO of the Australian Wool Exchange (AWEX), an independent not-for-profit service provider to the Australian wool industry. AWEX has been developing and maintaining industry standards and providing market information for nearly 25 years. AWEX standards include the wool classer Code of Practice for wool preparation, often regarded as the benchmark for industry best practice, the NWD-IP an integrity program supporting the NWD, piloting the electronic identification of wool bales and daily and weekly dynamic market information.
AWEX services are delivered from Farm to Exporter and are intended to provide value, transparency and integrity to the wool industry.

Connect with Mark Grave here

AWEX website

Similar podcast episodes

#016: Chris Wilcox from the National Council of Wool Selling Brokers of Australia
#035: Michael Jackson from the Australian Wool Testing Authority
#058: Chantel McAlister is an AWEX certified wool master classer
#069: David Mitchell of AWH about wool auctions in Australia
David Mitchell Wool Academy Podcast

#069 David Mitchell about getting Australian wool from farm to harbour

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David Mitchell is the National Wool Manager for AWH. The company handels about 50% of the Australian Wool Clip that goes to auction. In this episode, David explains the journey that wool goes on once it leaves the farm and before it is exported.

About David Mitchell

David Mitchell is relatively new to AWH Pty Ltd and has wealth of Wool Industry experience and knowledge.

Originally a Wool Broker with Elders in the heady days of the ’80’s and 90’s Australian Wool Industry. Subsequently the Marketing Manager with the former BWK (Bremen Woll Kämmerei Germany) Australian subsidiary, Geelong Wool Combing Ltd, where he was heavily involved in top making and wool combing through to it’s closure in 2004.

In more recent times David enjoyed downstream manufacturing and wholesaling success with Godfrey Hirst Australia, being responsible for and overseeing the Wool Carpet Division.

Currently the National Wool Manager for AWH responsible for the receipt, preparation for sale by Auction, logistics and shipping for approx. 50% of the Australian Wool Clip that goes to Auction.

David also sits on the FAWO (Federation of Australian Wool Organisations) Excecutive representing AWH.

Connect with David Mitchell here

AWH website


Similar podcast episodes

#016: Chris Wilcox from the National Council of Wool Selling Brokers of Australia

#021: Philip Attard Gostwyck Merino Wool Farm, Australia

#029: Robart Ryan from Shute Bell Badgery Lumby Broker Australia

#035: Michael Jackson from the Australian Wool Testing Authority

#037: Richard Halliday from WoolProducers Australia

#039: David Michell from Michell Wool, Australia

#042: Don MacDonald from MacDonald & Co Wool Brokers, Australia

#055: Ben Watts Wool Grower and Farm Technology at BRALCA in Australia

#056: Victor Chesky from Wool2Yarn Magazine in Australia

#057: Andrew Cuccurullo from Waverley Mills in Australia

#058: Chantell McAlister is a wool classer and photographer in Australia

Chad North from Northxnorth guest Wool Academy Podcast

#068 Chad North about launching a wool kerchief

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Chad North is the founder of NorthxNorth. In this podcast interview, Chad explains how he came up with his product idea of a wool kerchief made out of merino wool. Chad shares his journey of finding the right fabric supplier, launching his business on Kickstarter and distribution channels.

About Chad North

Pairing his passion for the outdoors and his love of merino wool, Chad North set out to create the most versatile piece of outdoor apparel that he wanted yet was missing from the market–a merino wool kerchief. After a successful Kickstarter launch in June 2016, production began and North x North was born. The kerchiefs boast over 100 different ways to wear and use with much of their versatility coming from the premium Australian merino wool fabric. Each kerchief is hand sewn in his home state of Pennsylvania where they are tested year-round in the rolling mountains and forests surrounding the company. North x North continues to grow and now offers a full line of kerchiefs, handkerchiefs, and hooded neck gaiters while selling to customers worldwide on northxnorth.co.

Connect with Chad North here

NorthxNorth website

NorthxNorth on Facebook

NorthxNorth on Instagram


Similar podcast episodes

#001: Ulrike Beier from IKKI in China

#005: Mac Bishop from Wool & Prince from the USA

#012: Galina Witting from Baabuk in Switzerland

#021: Philip Attard from Henry & Grace in Australia

#026: Debbie Luffman from Finisterre in the UK

#038: Francesco Botto Poala from Rewoolution in Italy

#039: David Michell from IO Merino in Australia

#040: Lorna Haigh from Alternative Flooring in the UK

#046: Janne Strommen from Devold of Norway in Norway

#047: Nick Armentrout from Ramblers Way in the USA

#050: Claudia Weiss from Don Baez Eco Chic in Uruguay

#052: Gaspard Tiné-Berès from Lasso Shoes in France

#057: Andrew Cuccurullo from Waverley Mills in Australia

#066: Morten Dilling from Dilling Underwear in Denmark